Roger Norris

Clinic Location
  • Sooke
  • BSc PT., Dip Phys(NZ)
You might be surprised that I…
  • Started my physiotherapy career in Auckland, New Zealand!
  • Have a particular interest in lower extremity mechanics

Roger began his physiotherapy career in New Zealand after graduating from Auckland in 1988. He moved to Canada in 1992 where he studied at the University of Alberta.

Roger spent several years working and travelling in the US, and again New Zealand until he and his wife eventually settled in Sooke. He is grateful to have been a part of the Sooke physiotherapy community ever since .

Roger has enjoyed many rewarding years working with and helping many wonderful people in the community.

As a part of his practice, Roger has a special interest in lower extremity mechanics and how this impacts gait and function. He uses a combination of exercise and prescription orthotics to help clients reduce abnormal stress in their movements.

Outside of work, Roger enjoys hiking, travelling, gardening and of course time with his wonderful family.