Kalpana Ravala

Clinic Location
  • Sooke
  • BScPT, Masters of Medical Rehabilitation
You might be surprised that I…
  • Have degrees from universities in India and Manitoba

I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from NTR University of Health Sciences, India. I also possess a Master of Science degree in Medical Rehabilitation from the University of Manitoba, Canada. I possess Acute care experience. Besides working in private practice, working with a team of health professionals in Acute care and home care has provided me with a strong foundation in treating my patients with a multidisciplinary approach to improve their health and achieve their goals.

My current treatment approach incorporates IMS/FDN, exercise therapy techniques, manual therapy, and Patient education with a personalized approach.

Keeping client-centred care in mind, I work with my patients to set up clinical goals, and assess and reassess patients during treatment on the way to restoring function, activity, and goals.

Languages spoken: English, Telugu.
