Rib Subluxation

A subluxation is when a joint is not moving the way it was designed to move and causes dysfunction. All of our ribs have joints connecting them to our spine in the back. Our ribs move with the spine and breath.

Causes & Symptoms

Rib subluxations can occur when we reach, twisting our upper body, sneezing, cough or experience a traumatic event. Rib subluxations usually present with mild to moderate pain on one side of the spine and may only hurt most during breathing in or out, or a certain movements that feel like a “rib being out.”


One way to screen yourself is to see if your symptoms match up with the ones described here. Sometimes rib subluxations can resolve on their own by stretching or using a foam roller. If the rib subluxation persists or is getting worse it is important to go see your chiropractor.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help

Your chiropractor can rule out fracture and other pathologies by doing a thorough history and exam and then treat the rib subluxation. Chiropractors will assess joints for restriction and help to guide the bones back into place with an adjustment to restore normal joint movement. Rib subluxation should resolve quickly, sometimes in as little as 1-4 sessions.

Rib Fracture

A rib fracture is when there is a break or crack in one of the rib bones can that is most often the result of a traumatic event.

Causes & Symptoms

Fractures cause a severe pain that is felt during inhalation, exhalation, laughing, sneezing and coughing. Fractures also hurt when you move your chest in all directions or when the location of the fracture is touched. There may also be localized swelling or bruising.


The best way to screen yourself for a rib fracture is to see if your symptoms match up with the description above and to head into your healthcare practitioner. You can go to your chiropractor, physiotherapist or doctor who can screen for fractures using percussion, vibration, touch and x-ray.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help

It takes an average of 6 weeks for a fracture to heal and during this time it is important to stay active but to avoid activities which cause irritation to the fracture. Some ways that your chiropractor could help in the recovery would be pain management, taping to provide stability, and prescribing exercises to keep you moving in a safe way.

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