Elysia Stevens

Clinic Location
  • Happy Valley
  • Kinesiologist, Cep, Level One Yoga Instructor
You might be surprised that I…
  • Went from being bound to a wheelchair to walking independently to eventually getting back to running

A person once told me that your body is your best doctor and will heal itself; you just need to provide it with the right elements and environment to succeed.

I was first introduced to the world of rehabilitation after I suffered from a traumatic accident that left me broken mentally and physically. With the support of a fantastic rehabilitation team combined with pure determination to find my new normal, I went from being bound to a wheelchair to walking independently to eventually getting back to running. Through my endeavours, I learned that I had a desire to learn more about different rehabilitation modalities. The next thing I realized, I was signed up to attend school at Camosun College in the Exercise and Wellness program.

Four years later, I earned a degree and received the CSEP /SCPE Undergraduate Student Award – Exercise Therapy awarded to a program graduate with the highest academic standing in the curriculum’s scientific portion.

I am now certified as a BC Kinesiologist, Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology – Certified Exercise Physiologist, Level 1 Yoga Instructor, and Functional Movement Screener Level 1.

No matter where you are in your journey, I will be working closely with the Parkway team to provide you with the best support from the training derived from science-based evidence. You can expect to be led or assisted through a personal conditioning program specific to your needs in a training session with me. In the session, I will provide technical feedback, answer questions or concerns related to the treatment plan, and assist you in understanding your condition or the required rehabilitation.

My goal is to help you reach your maximum potential in a safe and healthy environment, the way that my rehabilitation team once helped me when I was injured. I genuinely want to create a lasting positive impression on my client’s lives and ensure that they can reach the full potential that they deserve.